What is your Passion?

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Ever since I began reading The New York Times way back when, I couldn’t wait to get a glimpse of the photographs in the Style section. The society photos and “On the Street” column were my favorites. I always enjoyed looking at the fashion in these photos but never thought about who was behind the camera. It all came together for me when I saw Bill Cunningham New York. If, like me, you have made it a weekly ritual to soak in these photos, if you have a passion for fashion, or simply want to experience someone who does for inspiration, don’t miss this film while it’s still floating around. Beyond getting a glimpse of the man, I was taken by how he lived his passion. His passion became his sole purpose in life. This made me connect to my own passion; the feeling I get when I dance, choreograph and teach dance, whether I’m teaching elementary school kids in an after school program, salsa to seniors, or dancing with my expectant moms, I go into a zone that speaks directly to my soul. I knew what I was passionate about very early in my life, but it took me a long time before I would embrace it as my life’s purpose: “That was so much fun! I am so happy! Why do we have to go now? That was the best time I ever had. I danced and danced the whole time we were there. I don’t want to go. In the car driving home it’s so dark and I know it’s late, but I keep hearing the music in my head and how much fun I had dancing. Everyone at the party was dancing and laughing and having so much fun. I loved it! I want to do it again. Leaving Nanny and Grandpa’s house that night I knew what true happiness was – I was three years old.” What moves you?